9 December 2021

Image of Autumn Term 2 - Week 6

This week, in Class 3, we have become journalists! Using our knowledge of newspapers, we wrote newspaper articles which included direct speech, past tense writing, formal language and fronted adverbials. Well done everyone! In Maths, Year 3 have been consolidating their knowledge of 2, 4 and 8 times-tables, as well as comparing number statements, whilst Year 4 have been learning the 11 and 12 times table, how to multiply 3 numbers and understand factor pairs. In DT, we got practical with the electrical circuit components and created working circuits with lights, buzzers and motors. After that, we worked in groups to plan and design a Christmas toy/ light. We had a great afternoon on Wednesday playing Christmas games with the Year 6 pupils. On Thursday, we walked to church to take part in our whole school Christingle service. Overall, a very busy and productive week. Well done Class 3.

Class 3 week 6 A2

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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