4 February 2022

We have had great fun in our Art lessons this week. Our new topic is all about sketching and colour. we have looked at different ways to make lines and used these to make a background to a picture. We have also had a go at drawing a portrait in the style of Picasso, we had lots of laughs during this lesson! One of the highlights of the week was starting the unit off by drawing different lines with our feet. We found this really tricky and our toes wouldn’t do what we wanted them too!! In PE, we have had a go at some Zumba dancing. The more we practised the better we got at keeping in time with the music and going in the correct direction. In Science, we have been looking at trees and plants and have identified deciduous and evergreen trees. Ask us if we can remember the names of any. Another great week!
Posted by lderry
Category: Class 2