3 February 2022

Image of Spring Term 1 - Week 5

This week in Class 3, we have been learning how to use subordinate clauses and fronted adverbials within sentences which have formal language linking to the Anglo-Saxons. In Maths Year 3 have been adding and subtracting various amounts of money. We have used number lines, part whole models and bar models to help us. Year 4 have moved on to learning about fractions, specifically identifying unit and non-unit fractions as well as tenths. In History, we have investigated the archaeological evidence excavated from Sutton Hoo to decipher if someone was buried at the site and what type of person they were from the clues. We had a great time on Wednesday when the company Soccerstars came in to give us a taster session. Miss Hylton was most impressed to see our school values being followed and great sportsmanship. Well done Class 3 for a great week.

Week 5 S1 Class 3

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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