10 February 2022

This week we have tried NOT to be a Scallywag like the wolves in David Melling's story! We have spoken about good hygiene and how having great manners is respectful.
The children have written sentences about good manners. We really enjoyed the story.
In maths we have looked at ways of making the number 7 and some children have looked at number bonds to 10 using a tens frame.
In RE we heard about the parable 'Feeding the 5000'. We shared a piece of bread fairly around the class.
In art, we made a colour circle, adding white to a primary colour to make it lighter.
Tuesday was 'Safer Internet Day. We made a magic spell to remind us always be kind, respectful and helpful when playing with other children. We learnt that we never share passwords with our friends and if we are not sure about something, we should always ask our parents first!
We have had a lovely week.
Thank you for your donations. We have been able to buy tasty snacks and some more educational toys for your children to play with.
Have a lovely weekend!
We are looking forward to Valentine's day on Monday and Funky Fashion day on Thursday.
Class 1 Spring 1-Week 6
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1