10 March 2022

This week in Class 3, we have planned and written limericks about monsters. We tried really hard to ensure the limericks follow the rhyming pattern but also tell a funny story. Here is one for you to enjoy:
The beast was known for his mite
But he would rather be flying a kite
He snuck out of his cave
Enjoyed to misbehave
And then played with his kite all night.
In Maths, Year 4 have finished their fractions topic where they have learnt how to find fractions of quantities and answer quite tricky problem solving questions with missing numbers. Well done Year 4 you worked so hard and were resilient learners. Year 3 have been comparing, adding and subtracting lengths. In RE, we started our ‘Salvation’ topic and discussed where salvation falls in the ‘Big Story’. As well as this, we have been practising our play working hard to learn our lines, the songs and all our stage directions. Well done Class 3 and I can’t wait to see our production come together.
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3