12 May 2022

Image of Summer Term 1 - Week 3

It has been assessment week in Class 3 and we have worked our socks off! Well done Class 3!


In English, we recapped how to use dialogue in our writing focusing closely on the rules when using inverted commas. We also explored the different endings that a story can have for example: a twist, cliff hanger, tie-back and happy ending. In Maths, Year 3 have been continuing with their learning on equivalent fractions whilst Year 4 have been exploring pounds and pence. We started our watercolour Art topic this week learning how to use primary and secondary colours to make tints, tones and shades. 


Miss Hylton is so proud of the effort and concentration they have shown this week! Only one more week to go! 

Class 3 S1 - wk 3

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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