15 July 2022

Class 1 summer Week 6
I can’t believe we’ve come to the end of the academic year!
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed teaching your beautiful children and learning with them.
We have enjoyed flying on holiday this week, making our passports and booking holidays all over the world. We climbed on our aeroplane and enjoyed refreshments served by our stewards. The children wrote about where they are going in the summer.
Mrs Nilsen, Miss Partington , Mrs Compton, Mrs Scarborough and myself would like to say a huge thank you for the beautiful flowers and gifts. It made us very emotional! Since joining Class 1 in January, I have been extremely grateful for the support of both colleagues and parents. I will miss the reception children very much, but wish them well on their educational journey at Richard Crosse. I look forward to hearing about how they are getting on in Miss Derry’s class.
The Class 1 team wish you all a fantastic summer and we are excited to welcome back our nursery children in September.
I would be grateful if you can return the word clip boxes and any reading books that you may have.
We will endeavour to make your children as comfortable as possible next week in the heat!
Stay safe and well and have a lovely break!
Mrs Parkes and the team!
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1