23 September 2022

Image of Class 4 - Autumn 1 - Week 3

We have had another fantastic week in Class 4. This week, year 5s have been looking at numbers to 1,000,000 in our maths lessons and year 6 have been working with numbers to 10,000,000. During the week, we did active maths outside, creating different numbers using place value counters.

In English, we have continued reading the story - The Secret Garden. We have been incorporating powerful noun phrases into our descriptive writing in addition to similes, metaphors and personification. 
We investigated the countries that are located on the Equator and researched the hottest temperatures recorded there.

As part of our RE lesson, we discussed what Christians believe are God’s most important characteristics. We also spoke about the personal relationship Christians have with God.

Posted by jdavies

Category: Class 4

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