6 October 2022

Image of Class 4 - Autumn 1 - Week 5

The highlight of this week was our multi faith trail trip to Derby. As part of the trip, we visited a Mosque, Hindu Temple and a Gurdwara; here we learnt a great deal about the various religions and their beliefs. It was fantastic to witness a Hindu service during our time at the temple. Whilst we were at the Gurdwara, we were able to taste the a delicious lentil dahl that had been cooked in the kitchens there. All of the people we met from each of the places of worship were extremely welcoming.

Back in school during our maths lessons, year 5s have been practising their addition and subtraction using column method. Year 6 have been completing some maths assessments. In English, we have written our own stories for our independent writes in the style of The Secret Garden (our current class text). 
In our Geography lesson this week, we created persuasive posters to encourage people to visit a country in The Tropics of Cancer.

Class 4 - Autumn 1 - Week 5

Category: Class 4

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