10 November 2022

Image of Autumn Term 2 - Week 2

This week, in English, we have enjoyed reading more of our story, Gulliver’s Travels. We have written sentences in first person describing parts of our story and the settings. Miss Hylton is really impressed with Class 3’s use of expanded noun phrases. In Maths, Year 3 have been adding and subtracting 2 digit and 3-digit numbers. We discussed the rules when using the column method and whether this method is always the most efficient. Year 4 have been learning their 3, 6- and 9-times table and have been answering problem solving questions. In Science, we carried out an investigation to explore the best conditions for evaporation. We then learnt about how chocolate can change from a solid to a liquid. We took this opportunity to make chocolate rice crispy cakes... yummy! In RE, we discussed other names and representations for God the Father, God the Son and Gold the Holy Spirit. Overall, a great week. Well done Class 3! 

Class 3 A2 Wk 2

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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