24 November 2022

It has been an exciting week in Class 4. On Monday, we started our new English text - Hidden Figures by Margot Lee-Shetterly - which describes the experiences of four African-American women who worked for NASA during the days of segregation. We learnt about water-resistance in Science and created an experiment where we dropped different shaped pieces of plasticine in water; we recorded the time it took to sink to the bottom to see how water-resistance affected the object.
In maths, we have continued to work with fractions in both year 5 and 6. In year 5, we have been adding and subtracting fractions and in year 6, we have been multiplying and dividing fractions by integers and by other fractions.
In DT, we have been using tools to saw, glue and cut materials in order to build the parts for our project - fairground rides. We have made a dent in the project and will now continue - for the remaining weeks of this term - to finish them off.
Category: Class 4