8 December 2022

Image of Autumn Term 2 - Week 6

This week, in Class 3, we have started our poetry topic focusing on the poem ‘Talking Turkeys’ by the famous poet Benjamin Zephaniah. We enjoyed performing this poem in groups using actions, expression, volume and energy! It’s clear we have some stars in the making in Class 3! As well as this, it has been assessment week. Thank you everyone for putting in lots of effort to show what you have learnt so far this year. In Geography, we learnt about what makes a city a capital city and then used the laptops and iPads to locate particular capital cities and find geographical facts. Thank you for all your hard work.

Only one more week to go Class 3…keep going!

Class 3 A2 Week 6

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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