6 January 2023

Image of Spring Term 1 - Week 1

Welcome back Class 3 and Happy New Year!

We’ve got straight into our learning this week and have enjoyed starting our poetry topic focussing on Classical poems such as ‘From a Railway Carriage’ by Robert Louis Stevenson and ‘What is Pink?’ by Christina Rossetti. Throughout these lessons, we have discussed the language used, practised reading the poems and then wrote our own poems. In Maths, Year 3 have been learning multiplication and division facts for the 2, 4 and 8 times tables whilst Year 4 learnt how to find factors of a product, multiply by 10 and 100 and divide by 10.  In Science, we have been exploring how we hear sound. We learnt that sound is made when something vibrates. It was interesting to see sound vibrations by hitting a tuning fork and then placing it in water.

Overall, a fantastic first week back. Well done everyone!

Class 3 Spring 1 Wk 1

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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