29 June 2023

Image of Class 4 - Summer 2 - Week 4

We have had another brilliant week in Class 4 topped off with sports day. 
In maths this week, year 5s have been looking at negative values and working in sequences through zero. Year 6s, have been working out prices of products and using this information to problem solve. 
In English, we have begun our class text of Macbeth. We have just read the first chapter and looked at the poem ‘Double double, boil and trouble’. We are creating our own poems in a similar style.

In history, we have been learning about the hierarchy of the Mayans - who was deemed superior and who was seen as below others.

Sports day was brilliant. We took part in lots of activities including javelin, shot-put, long jump and long distance. In the afternoon, we did various different races.



Category: Class 4

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