29 September 2023

Class 4 have had another wonderful week full of learning. A particular highlight was our orienteering lesson that involved using maps to find control points on the showfield. In science, we investigated Darwin’s theory of evolution by comparing the effectiveness of different beak-like utensils when picking up a variety of foods. This helped us develop a better understanding of natural selection and adaptation. We also began writing our own origin stories inspired by ‘How the Whale Became’ by Ted Hughes and have included a wide range of language features to keep the reader engaged. On Thursday, our class developed an understanding of the first aid procedures known as the primary survey (DR. ABC) and how to place someone in the recovery position: showing great responsibility.
Thank you to all those who were able to contribute to the Harvest Festival and Macmillan Coffee Morning that also took place this week; your generosity and support was outstanding.
Aut 1 Week 4 Class 4
Posted by John Frame
Category: Class 4