5 October 2023

Class 1 Autumn 1 Week 5
In Monster Phonics the children have practised phonemes m, d and g
Our hight frequency words are ….and, dad and am
In number the children have explored length, weight and capacity expanding their vocabulary.
They have used vocabulary such as long, short, heavy, light, empty, full etc
In literacy the children have wrote their first sentences using known key words.
In music they have explored pattern which will link with our maths topic next week.
The children have had lots of fun in the afternoons too, making bread and scarecrows.
They have learnt about the need for farmers to keep pests away from the crops.
Children have also had a go at leaf and potato printing.
Next week the children will be learning about people who help us.
I continue to be very proud of how well the children are interacting with each other, demonstrating kindness and lovely manners.
I am hoping to build on our dressing up resources. Please can you send in any unwanted costumes especially ones such as police officers, nurses, doctors or super heroes! Thank you
Have a great weekend
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1