6 October 2023

Class 3 have had a brilliant week of learning. In English, we planned and wrote a portal story. We focused on using all the writing tools we have been learning about to enhance our stories. They were fantastic! In Maths, Year 4 have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We have found it useful to remember the catchy rhyme ‘1 to 4 stay on the floor, 5 to 9 climb the vine’. Year 3 have just finished their place value topic and have moved onto addition and subtraction, focusing on using number bonds to ten to help us add and subtract 3 digit numbers. In History, we are learning about what happened during WW1. Firstly, we discussed why poppies are used as a symbol of remembrance. We then explored the reasons why WW1 started which were very complex! After that, we learnt about what propaganda is and how it was used. We very much enjoyed drawing our own propaganda posters which are now on display in our classroom. Overall a great week.
Class 3 Aut 1 Wk 5
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3