17 November 2023

What a busy week in Class 3! On Tuesday and Wednesday, we had some special visitors in school that came to watch our lessons and ask us lots of questions. Ms Bowring and all of the teachers were very proud of us. In English, we have been describing a volcanic eruption and have written sentences using powerful verbs and rich vocabulary. In Maths, Year 3 have been finding complements to 100 whilst Year 4 have been learning the 6 and 9 times table. We used arrays to help us build the multiplication and division sentences. In History, we had a special visitor who showed us first hand primary sources of WW1. In Geography, we located mountain ranges using an atlas. Overall a fantastic week. Enjoy a restful weekend.
Aut 1 Wk 2 Class 3
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3