17 November 2023

Image of Autumn Term 2 - Week 2

Yet another very positive week for Class 4! Their attitude towards learning has been impeccable and I am very impressed. In our writing unit relating to 'Letters From The Lighthouse' we have explored (through role play and exploring texts) the life of an evacuee during the Second World War. This built up to writing a diary entry in the style of the main character called 'Olive'. As part of Ant-Bullying Week, worships around friedships and kindness were atteneded alongside a circle time lesson that discussed various scenarios and how we can 'Make a Noise' to stand up for what is right. To contribute our part to Interfaith Week, that also took place this week, we studied and compared symbolism in a variety of well-known religions and used the Chromebooks to create our own presentations after researching deeper into a chosen religion. Both Year 5 and 6 are now underway in fraction related topics for maths and are ready to overcome any challenges this may present. Everyone should have a well earned rest this weekend and be excited for what next week may bring.


Autumn 2 Week 2 Class 4

Posted by John Frame

Category: Class 4

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