12 January 2024

Welcome back Class 3!
In English, we have started a new book called ‘Monster Slayer’ which is a Beowulf tale. We have really enjoyed reading the first two chapters and learning about the horrid monster called Grendel. In small groups we shared words to describe our monster and then carefully put these words in full sentences with a variety of starters. In Maths, Year 3 have been learning how to multiply and divide by 8 whilst Year 4 have been using informal written methods to multiply 2 digits and 1 digit numbers such as 36 x 4. In History, we have been researching where the Anglo-Saxons came from. We enjoyed learning about the roles of men, women and children and compared them with our current roles today. In computing, we have been using the software 'Scratch' to create sequences. Overall a really brilliant week, well done Class 3!
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3