12 January 2024

It is always very exciting to begin a new term with a whole range of new topics to explore. In Class 4, we have begun our English unit based on the book The Explorers by Katherine Rundell whoch is set in the Amazon Rainforest. So far, we have made predictions and taken a closer look at the superb vocabualry used to create our own descriptive paragraphs. Our whole class reading has consisted of looking at context to help unpick word meanings without the need for a dictionary.
In Science we learned about classification. To do this, we experimented with sorting a collection of living organisms into groups of our own choosing. Afterwards, each group explained how they decided to group their animals and we evaluated how effective they were. Sometimes we offered suggestions for how there groups could be more specific in order to help someone trying to use the classification key to identify their animal or similar animals.
Many enjoyed beginning our Computing topic on physical computing which involves using brand-new crumble kits known as 'Microbits'. Our first session using these involved learning about the vast amount of features that they have capacity for as well as uploading our own coded programs to complete specific tasks such as find the temperature of a room and create a device to enhance the playground game 'hot potato'.
Spring 1 Week 1 Class 4
Posted by John Frame
Category: Class 4