18 January 2024

Image of Class 1 spring 1 week 2

Class 1 spring 1 week 2

We have continued to learn about the North and South Poles this week. 
On Tuesday we learnt about the penguin. The reception children wrote a fact about the penguin and the pre-school children made papier-mâché penguins.

On Wednesday we had a fantastic day watching a film about an Auk who got lost during a flight from the Artic and ended up in Scotland. The children made shakers to accompany the music. We explored playing loudly, softly, quickly and slowly.  We had lots of fun and did some dancing too.

In maths the children focused on subitising dots to 6 as well as playing lots of games, trying to be the first to get to zero. The pre-school children pretended that their 5 frame grids were ice bergs and practised adding and taking away artic animals. They also practised writing numbers.

All the children had a go  at showing numbers that were 1 more or 1 less than a given number.

Keep warm and have a great weekend!

Please remember to send hats and gloves to school with your children.

Mrs Parkes and EYFS team







Posted by S Parkes

Category: Class 1

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