19 January 2024

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of the second week of spring term already! It has been a week that has seen some amazing outcomes for our Year 5s in their fractions unit of work. Year 6 have begun to explore ratio for the first time and shown a great ability to use their understanding of fractions to support their learning.
In Science, we explored the importance of classification keys and what makes them more effective than other ways of grouping organisms. This will pu them in a prime position to learn about Carolus Linnaeus, who was a Swedish naturalist. He created two scientific systems: the system for classifying plants and animals and the system for naming all living things.
Excitingly, the children have taken part in Bikeability Level 1 or 2 this week and shown great courage when riding around the local roads. Our instructors, Andy and Carl were fanntastic in explaining all the safety rules needed to cycle safely. This included basic training on checking you have the correct equipment and clothing before setting off, road position, awareness and planning. The instructors mentioned on several occasions how brilliantly everybody listened and were very impressed by the level of responsibility shown. Please make sure to have a lovely weekend and rest ready for the jam-packed week coming up!
Spring 1 Week 2 Class 4
Posted by John Frame
Category: Class 4