25 January 2024

Image of Class 1 spring 1 week 3

This week we have been busy exploring weight and capacity. The children have been experimenting with different objects to see which are heavy or light. They have been trying to make their scales balance. They discovered that large objects are not always heavy.

The children enjoyed filling up different containers with a variety of objects or with water. We talked about why capacity is important.

The children have enjoyed looking at unusual methods of transport. They had fun using recycled junk to make vehicles.

In PSED I read a story to remind the children about why sharing is important.

In RE the children listened to a The parable of the sower.

Next week we will be learning about space! Please continue to send in any junk that can be turned into space rockets.

Please can I remind parents to only put water in their child’s water bottle.

Thank you for sending in snack money.

Have a lovely weekend

Class 1 spring 1 week 3


Posted by S Parkes

Category: Class 1

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