26 January 2024

Another week seems to have just flown by - full of special moments and unforgettable moments. None more so than our KS2 trip to Young Voices at the Resort Arena in Birmingham. Our children from KS2 across the TTSMAT joined together with over 5,000 others to perform at a concert with famous guest performers. It's hard to put into words how fantastic all the children were throughout the day and they all represented our school fabulously.
Amongst many other lessons in our core subjects, we also completed day 2 of our GreenPower Workshop. Our Year 6's began by brainstorming ideas for fundraising (keep posted for an upcoming event!) by considering the pros and cons of various ideas. Once decided, we then explored how the steering in our vehicle will have to be Ackermann steering instead of parrallel steering due to it better preserving the tyres. Our Year 5's focused on designing and modelling the external panels that will be fitted onto the cars ready for race day. This utilised their measurement skills and spatial reasoning.
In our art lesson, we explored a variety of graffiti artists and compared their street art. Using the Chromebooks, we created a collage of pieces created by our chosen artist and described how the piece made us feel or what we believed the creator intednded it to represent.
Spring 1 Week 3.1 Class 4
Posted by John Frame
Category: Class 4