26 January 2024

Image of Class 2- Spring Term 1- Week 3

What a week we have had! In Art, we started off the lesson by drawing with our feet! We tried to draw a pineapple, a banana and a pear. It made us laugh lots as we didn’t think our pictures looked very much like they were supposed to. As part of our Computing lesson, we got the Bee Bots out and had a go at programming them to move around the carpet. Sometimes they didn’t go where we thought they were going to! We also used the laptops to program an on screen turtle. In Maths we have all been focussing upon length and height. We are getting better at using the correct vocabulary and comparing lengths and heights. We loved showing our Mums and Dads what we get up to in Phonics at our open afternoon. To end the week, we are very excited to be staying for the school disco! 

Posted by lderry

Category: Class 2

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