9 February 2024

Image of Spring Term 1 - Week 5

This week, in English, we have written non-chronological reports about the Anglo-Saxons. We focused our writing on using features such as subtitles, captions, past tense and formal writing. In Maths, Year 4 have been finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes as well as finding missing lengths. Year 3 have been continuing with multiplying and dividing 2-digit and 1-digit numbers. In Science, we have explored the use of renewable energy and have used these ideas to invent homes for the future which are sustainable for the environment. We also celebrated safer internet day by discussing the positive and negative impact online influencers can make. This lesson sparked a good conversation about what we should believe from the content we see online. On Thursday, we enjoyed taking part in a vegetarian cooking worship with the Phunky Food team and parents. In RE, we interviewed Father Jeremy to learn about his working week and then made links between his life and Jesus’ life. Well done Class 3 for a great half term. Remember to learn your lines over half term and I look forward to seeing you back for Spring Term 2.  

Class 3 S1 Week 5


Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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