9 February 2024

Image of Spring Term 1- Week 5- Class 2

We have done lots of exciting activities this week. In our Art lessons, we came to the end of our unit. The classroom was totally rearranged so that we could sit in a circle to complete our observational drawings. We used all of the tips and ideas that we had been taught in order to create the best possible drawings that we could. We were very proud of our final pieces of work. In Computing, we had a go at directing compare bears around a circuit as well as moving the Bee Bots around using precise directional language. Friday was an exciting start to the day as we had to brave the flood water to get to school. We also loved taking part in the pancake flip completion and eating the pancakes that PTA bought for us. We wish everyone a happy half term!


Posted by lderry

Category: Class 2

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