7 March 2024

Image of Spring Term 2 - Week 3

This week in Class 3, we have been writing sentences using figurative language features such as similes and alliteration. Also, our topic book in English has inspired us to write limericks about the characters. The poems which were created blew Miss Hylton away because not only did they rhyme, they followed the correct syllable structure. In Maths, Year 4 have been partitioning mixed numbers and placing them on number lines. We then spent time learning how to compare and order mixed numbers. Year 3 have been adding and subtracting lengths such as 10cm + 50mm. In RE, we learnt about the events of Holy Week and empathised with Mary, Jesus’ mother, to understand how she might have felt on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On Monday, we enjoyed performing our Mothering Sunday acrostic poem in church. Overall a very busy week. Keep learning your play lines Class 3!

Class 3 Sp 2 Wk 3

Posted by ahylton

Category: Class 3

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