11 April 2024

Class 1 summer 1 week 1 2024
It has been lovely to see the children return to school after the Easter break. They have shared with staff what places they have visited.
This week we have read the Gruffalo. The children have made the Gruffalo and the Reception children wrote sentences to describe him.
In maths the children continued to explore shape. They have explore shapes within shapes and have put shapes together to make new shapes. They have also explored pattern.
In RE the children have started to learn about what happens in a church.
In music the children played circle games and explored instrumental sounds to represent the characters in the Gruffalo.
Next week we will continue to listen to Julia Donaldson stories. We will be making Gruffalo crumble!
The children have enjoyed the new car wash, sensory table accessory tray and our new Montessori fine motor toy.
Have a lovely weekend!
Please can you continue to support us by sending in snack money?
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1