7 June 2024

Image of Summer Term 2 Week 1

It has been wonderful welcoming Class 4 back after a well-deserved break. We have enjoyed finishing our explanation texts in English. These have been linked to a topic of interest and involved subject specific vocabulary and factual adjective choices. In RE, we began our new unit of expressing faith through art. In the first lesson of the unit we looked at how people can use facial expression, body language and language to express their religious views and faith. 

During our first Science lesson of the unit, we began investigating the  lasting impact mining for fossil fuels has on our environment. To do this, we attempted to remove chocolate chips from cookies using cocktail sticks; this showed how even with the most careful intentions the surrounding area is affected irreversibly. 

Our brand-new golf set was put to the test in PE, where Class 4 participated in multiple activities relating to chipping and putting. On top of enjoying the games, everybody worked in teams wonderfully and supported each other through encouraging words and praise. 

Summer Term 2 Week 1 Class 4

Posted by John Frame

Category: Class 4

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