13 June 2024

Class 1 summer 2 Week 2 2024
Our week started with a lovely trip to Twycross Zoo. We had a lot of fun and a surprise encounter with a gorilla!
We managed to stay dry and enjoyed our picnic.
Back at school, Pre-school had a fun day, which included looking at road safety with Mrs Partington.
On Tuesday the reception children wrote about their trip to the zoo and many of the children experimented with loose parts and paint to make animal skin patterns.
This week the children continued to learn about our oceans. They looked at plastic pollution and linked this to floating and sinking.
In music the children listened to Carnival of the animals and explored using instruments to represent different animals.
In maths, the children rotated 2D shapes to see if they could make given pictures.
In RE the children listened to the parable ‘The Lost Sheep’ They talked about who they are special to and how everyone is special and unique.
Enjoy the weekend!
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1