17 October 2024

This week, in Class 3, we have been adding numbers using the column addition method. We have worked hard to remember to start adding the ones column first and to exchange when we cross over 10. In Maths, we have been writing sentences using fronted adverbials and inverted commas. In Science, we explored how shadows were formed. We set up an experiment to test how shadows change when the light source moves. We always investigated which materials block out the most light. We decided to change one variable which was the type of material and then measured the amount of light which passed through in LUX. Because we are scientists, we ensured it was a fair test and kept other variables the same such as the light source and the layers of material. Overall, another great week. Keep trying hard Class 3!
Class 3 Aut 1 Week 7
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3