8 November 2024

On Tuesday, we were doing maths learning how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000 and then we were finishing off our plans off for our non chronalogical report about Oceania and its key features. In the afternoon, we learned about jazz in music using instruments to make up our own in groups on our tables.
On Wednesday, we learned how to divide by 10, 100, and 1,000 in maths and for English we started working on our non chronalogical reports about Oceania describing it in interesting facts. In the afternoon, we learned about computing and explored websites and looked at there features. Then making our own based on our school.
On Thursday, Class 4 enjoyed a day at St Mary’s exploring their forestry area. Our class loved doing our lessons while being close to nature. Many exciting activities took place, such as: matching the autumnal colours to a colour wheel; a mathematical treasure hunt; sketching and building a bug hotel; an up thrust water investigation and performing Shakespeare’s famous plays. Overall, the day was certainly an experience to remember. Thank you to St Mary’s for being such gracious hosts and welcoming us to their school.
On Friday, we were carrying on with our non chronalogical reports and doing our end of block and start of unit assessments. Then we focused on spellings writing our words out three times each to remeber them and then we did a word search with our words in it. In the afternoon, we started our new unit on netball focusing on our teamwork skills.
Written by Emmett, Class 4
2024 Class 4 Autumn 2 Week 1
Posted by John Frame
Category: Class 4