13 December 2024

Our penultimate week before the Christmas holidays is over and what a week it has been! We have continued with our exploration of Hidden Figures and have begun preparing for our memoirs from Katherine Johnson's perspective on 21st June 1969. In Mathematics, we have finished our subtraction of fractions (including with mixed numbers) and learnt how to multiply fractions.
Our history lesson involved investigating what happened at The Siege of Lichfield Cathedral between the years of 1643 and 1646. After discussing the three sieges that took place we created our own interpretations of the damage to the holy building during the attacks.
On Friday, after French, we started creating our DT fairground rides and managed to make almost all fully functioning (rotating on an axis by a motor). On Monday, we will finish the design aspect to them to make them more appealing to potential customers.
2024 Class 4 Autumn 2 Week 6
Posted by John Frame
Category: Class 4