8 January 2025

Image of Class 1 spring 1 Week 1

Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all!

The children have come back rested and eager to learn. We have been impressed with how well they have settled back into their routine.

This week reception have looked at the phonemes y, z, zz and qu.

The preschool children have been listening to percussion instruments to see if they can make winter sounds. They have looked at weather symbols and discussed winter weather.

All the children have practised fastening up their coats. Please can you encourage them to have ago at doing up their zips themselves. This helps them become independent and makes transitioning between inside and outside much quicker!

Our topic this week is the Artic. The children will learn about what it is like, what animals live there and how people live in this environment.

In maths the reception children have learnt about squares and rectangles.

The preschool children have focused on recognising and forming numbers to 5.

In RE this half term the children will listen to special stories from the bible and how they teach people about love, respect and friendship.

Posted by S Parkes

Category: Class 1

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