7 March 2025

Another week has flown by in Class 4. In our maths lessons we have been looking at the are of triangles and parallelograms. Those who finished the initial task were able to apply their new kniwldege to questions in context. In English, we have edited and published our myths based on the hero, Heracles.
With great enthusiasm and drive, our class also enjoyed their second lesson on tag rugby, furtehr developing their skills. During our science lesson exploring life cycles, we used Scratch coding software to create animations that showed the different stages in the life cycle of a butterfly. Thursday involved making great strides in Green Power and painting the bodywork to near completion whilst Year 6 either fitted brakes to the car or created tinkercad designs of steering wheels and chasis.
Have a lovely weekend and remember to arrive at school ready for a faith trail on Monday!
2025 Class 4 Spring 2 Week 2
Posted by John Frame