13 May 2021

Image of All Day Breakfast Theme Day - Thursday 20th May 2021

We're having an 'All Day Breakfast' themed day in our kitchen on Thursday 20th May, and we hope all our children will join in.

Check out the menu below:-

Option A: Sausage, bacon, hash brown and baked beans.

Option B: Vegetarian sausages, hash brown and baked beans.

Option O: Jacket potatoes with salad and a choice of fillings / toppings.

There will also be the normal homemade crusty bread and pudding of the day.

Please note due to the themed menu day there will be a couple of changes to the existing menu:-

Monday 17th May there will be the options of chicken in a creamy sauce with a puff pastry top or Quorn pieces in a creamy sauce with a puff pastry top instead of pork hot dogs or Linda McCartney vegan hot dogs. 



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