23 February 2021

Image of Class 1-home learning- spring 2- wk 1- Weds/ Thurs/ Fri

Good Morning Class 1, 

Here are your activities for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. This half terms topic is  All Creatures Great and Small! This week we will focus on the ocean and explore the animals that live under the sea. 

Click on the links below to see what books we will be using;












Each day you will have a maths and a phonics activity to complete. These are listed below for you. During our morning online meet we will set additional activities. A brief overview of the session and activities set are listed below. 

Have fun!

The EYFS Team


Maths- Reception and Nursery 



Wednesday- Click on the link above. Watch the video Building 9-10! Week 1- session 3.

Complete the activity;


Reception Phonics

This week we will be learning the  ai sound. Click the link below to see what objects Geraldine the giraffe finds with the ai  sound in. 


Wednesday- Complete the ai match up activity in the resources.

Click the link below to play Rocket Rescue

Username; jan21

Password; home


Thursday- Lets remind ourselves of the ai sound. Click the link below to see the Geraldine clip again.

Download the ai flashcards. Can you read the words? How many did you get right? Can you write the words?

Complete the ai workbook.

Friday- Read the Hansel and Gretel story pdf. Download and complete the sentence writing and yes/no questions.

Practise High frequency words - pdf in the resources.


Nursery phonics

We are going to learn the S sound this week. Click on the link below to see what Geraldine finds with the S sound.



We would like you to write and/ or make the s sound. You could paint, make a collage of the s, make s with playdough, trace the shape in sand, gloop, flour, draw really big or small with chalks outside.

Click on the link below to play the game Animal zoo; select guess the animal option.


Username; jan21

Password; home




Play I-Spy S sounds in the resources.

Thursday- Click on the link above. Watch the video Building 9-10! Week 1- session 4.

Complete the activity;


Friday- Click on the link above. Watch the video Building 9-10! Week 1- session 5.

Complete the activity;



Online teaching

Wednesday- Literacy

9.45am Today we will play some rhyming games and explore what rhyming words are. We will read ‘Sharing a Shell’  by Julia Donaldson and see if we can find the rhyming words in the story. 

Home challenge 1- Nursery and Reception- Watch ‘Tiddler-The Story Telling Fish’by Julia Donaldson on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcTQADUywZY)

This story is another rhyming book.  Rhyming words are words that sound the same. What rhyming words could you hear? Write these down (nursery an adult can scribe these for you.)

Reception- Have a go at making up your own ‘tall tale’ that Tiddler might tell.

You may have to go back to parts of the story in the video, to explore these ideas fully. Write your tiddler tall tale on the fish template and stick in your home learning book. Remember to write in full sentences. 


Optional activity- Complete rhyming string activity phase 2 or phase 3 in the resources.


12.30-1pm- French Online

Home challenge 2- In this today’s story ‘Tiddler’, Tiddler is always late!  We are going to make clocks to show different times, so we are never late.  Look at a clock/watch in your house, what numbers do you see? What else do you see? Discuss with your grown-ups what times you do things at home. You can have a go at making your very own clock showing important times, you can create as many clocks as you want to help you stay on time! Maybe one for bed time too!  Here are some ideas:


2.15pm Catch up & story time.

Thursday- Maths 3D shapes 

9.45am This morning we recap naming 3d shapes and look at how we can sort 3D shapes into different groups.

Home challenge 1- Today we would like you to sort 3D shapes. You can use the activity in the resources or you can write the names of 3 D shapes and sort real objects from around your home. Can you think of any other ways to sort 3D shapes? 



Home challenge 2- Physical Development

Gross motor skills- Watch the clip below to learn about snails and how they move.




Draw some snail trails out in the garden with chalk. Can you move around the trail like a snail? Try different ways of moving like hopping, jumping, a silly walk…have fun!


Complete a Cosmic Yoga activity together...under the sea



 Fine motor skills- To practise our fine motor skills can you draw some snail trail patterns on paper or card? Then add stickers, buttons, finger paint along the trails.

Choose either the pencil control, number formation or letter formation sheets in the resources to complete. 

2.15pm Catch up & story time.

Friday- Disco Dough- please bring playdough to the lesson. A recipe is in the resources if you want to make your own dough.

9.45am Today we will be enjoying our dough disco again. We will then look at our letter formation/ number formation. 


Home challenge 1- Science 

In the sea, some things float, that means they stay on top of the water.  Some things sink in the water, that means they go down to the bottom of the water.  We want you to explore which objects in your house float, and which objects sink.  

Choose some small items from around the house, place them in a bowl of water, and sort through the ones that sink, and the ones that float.  Can you predict which ones will float or sink?  Why do you think it will float or sink? Then complete the float or sink cut and stick activity in the resources.




Makaton- The Snail and the Whale


Click the link below and see if you can learn the Makaton actions for our story.




Alongside these activities you could also complete the following:

  • Daily reading (10 mins) or sharing some stories together.

  • Practise High frequency words  - Children need to be able to read and write these.

  • Practising Phonics sounds (10 mins) adult to write a sound down, can you tell them the sound? Can you give them a word containing that sound?

  • Any activities in your home learning pack.

  • Joe Wicks PE on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

  • Letter and number formation.

Class 1-Spring term 2- wk 1

Category: Class 1

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