21 March 2021

It has been another busy week in class 4. We continue to work on decimals and fractions in maths. This has involved converting fractions into decimals and vice versa. We also completed our mid year assessments. In history we studied the fighting techniques used Ancient Greece. In science we dissected flowers and we hope you enjoy looking at them in our gallery. We had to work with precision as we had to creatively reassemble the flower once we had identified all the parts. In English we continue to write about our mythical beasts. We have linked our topic with geography to try and decide which areas of the world our beasts would inhabit.
This weeks homework is learning about parenthesis and can be found on Google Classroom.
We had lots of fun dressing up for Red Nose Day. Some came dressed as super heroes that they had created. From nurses to Minecraft Steve, and horse riders to scary villains (I think?) we had the lot. Our super hero artwork will be available to see on next weeks blog.
Posted by S Challinor
Category: Class 4