11 June 2021

Image of Class 5 - Summer 2 - week 1

This week has been action packed. 

After spending time building our greenpower race cars over the past month, this week was time to race it, which we were all very excited about. We spent Tuesday at Curborough sprint course racing our three greenpower cars alongside St Mary’s and The Howard. We all had an amazing day and represented the school superbly. Although attending and having fun was the most important thing, we were also awarded a number of trophies including ‘the spirit of greenpower award’ which is for sportsmanship, teamwork and all the hard work we have put into the project. Of course none of this could be possible without Dr Allen who, through Warwick university, made this project happen.

We have auditioned for roles and started practising our end of year play which we are very excited about. 
In maths, we have been working with angles, using the angles in a straight line and circle to solve problems.

This half term, we are playing tennis and rounders in PE. 

In art, we have been using oil pastels and have learnt three new techniques - blending, scrumbling and feathering.


Category: Class 5

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