17 June 2021

Image of In the Garden Week 2

We have been enjoying the lovely hot weather this week and have continued learning about what is in our gardens. Each day, we have named and discussed the day, month and season. This is something to talk about each morning on the way to school! 

We have shared the story 'Superworm' and have thought of lots of words to describe him.

We have been doing lots of counting activities and have been practising writing our numbers correctly. In particular the children have practised 2 and 5, making sure that they write them the correct way round!

On Thursday we talked about 'more' and 'less' and the children were asked to work out the answers to mathematical sentences using this vocabulary.

We have really concentrated on colouring in neatly again this week and not putting too much paint on our paint brushes. The children have practised mixing paint and washing their brushes before using different colours.

In music we danced and sung the 'Superworm' song and in PE the children continued to practise skills for our Japanese Olympic day.

We hope you and your children have a lovely weekend and get to play and explore in your gardens.



Posted by S Parkes

Category: Class 1

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