18 June 2021

We’ve had a super busy week in Class 3 assessing all of our learning from this year. We have worked our socks off! In English, we have been learning how to use repetition for effect, inverted commas to show quotes and how to use facts in our writing to make it really persuasive. In Maths, we have been learning how to find the duration using number lines to help us. Our catching and batting skills have improved this week in PE and we have nearly mastered the rules of rounders. We had a special NSPCC ‘speak out and stay safe’ afternoon on Tuesday which allowed us to discuss very serious and important issues. In our Art lessons, we have researched the famous architect Benoy to explore his designs and we then took on the challenge of drawing one of his buildings for our final piece… they look amazing! Well done Class 3 for a great week. Enjoy a well-earned rest this weekend.
Class 3 - Summer Term 2 - Week 2
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3