1 October 2021

We have had a super week this week. In English, we have been looking at poetry, with a special focus upon autumn poetry. On Monday, we went on an autumn walk and used our five senses to help gather descriptive phrases. We used the phrases collected to create a class poem, then we had a go at creating and performing our own. In Maths, Year 1 have been ordering objects and numbers, looking at ordinal numbers and having a go at placing numbers on a simple number line, whilst Year 2 have been practising counting in their 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. In phonics, Year 1 have learnt how to make some words plural by adding an s or es. They have also started to learn about the split diagraph a-e. Year 2 have been learning the le, il and el graphemes, which make the ul sound at the end of words. Ask them to give you some examples of the words they have collected. As part of our RE lessons, we have been learning about how during Harvest we say ‘Thank you’ to God for his creations. Well done to our Star Of The Week and 5X reader winner.
Posted by lderry
Category: Class 2