1 October 2021

Image of Autumn 1 Week 5

This week our English and Guided Reading text links with out science topic. We are reading an adaptation of Charles Darwin’s on the Origin of the Species. 

In maths, we have recapped using the column method to add and subtract two four-digit numbers before we moved on to adding numbers with more than four digits. This is a popular method in our class and we have enjoyed using our column method skills to solve problems in maths.

In preparation for our Harvest Service next week, we have enjoyed working on some collaborative harvest artwork using oil pastels.

We have talked lots in RE this week about the relationship between Creation and Cosmology and have prepared some questions for our upcoming discussion afternoon with Reverend Anne (from St. Mary’s) and her husband, a scientist. 

In our PE lessons with Mr Challinor we have been looking at leadership in sport and have had fun leading activities with each other. This has linked nicely with our second PE lesson where we have continued to be personal trainers for each other. 

We are now sitting in different seats in the classroom and are enjoying having new talking partners and small discussion groups. We will move seats again when we have a new text in English. 

Class 4 Autumn 1 Week 5

Category: Class 4

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