19 November 2021

Image of Autumn 2 - Week 3

We have had another great week in Class 5. 
In English, we have been writing our own WW2 diaries from the point of view of our own character (soldier, evacuee etc).

In our Maths lessons, we have been continuing to work with fractions, focusing on adding and subtracting mixed numbers. In order to achieve this we have been converting fractions to give them common denominators.

We have been hot seating in RE, pretending to be an interviewer asking questions to Mary and Joseph at the time of The Nativity. We had great discussions about how they would have felt being the parents of the Messiah.

During history this week, we have researched what it would have been like to be an evacuee during WW2. We also read a snippet of Goodnight Mr Tom which focuses on an evacuee.


Posted by jdavies

Category: Class 5

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