3 December 2021

Image of Autumn 2 Week 5

We have all approached assessment week with a really positive attitude and have tried our best with all of the assessments.

We have done lots of singing to practise our hymns for the Christingle and Christmas services. We are really enjoying being able to sing in class and school groups again.

We have continued looking at our Anne Frank book in English and are really feeling like we are starting to understand what life must have been like for the Frank family, and how different their life was than ours.

We have been improving our shooting skills in Netball this week and will be able to transfer these skills to our basketball lessons too. 

On Thursday we had a Science theme day to link in with our Earth and Space topic. We completed lots of space themed activities and also experienced the Wonderdome. We really enjoyed making ‘re-entry vehicles’ to protect our eggs when we dropped them from the fire escape and we had great fun with our straw rocket competition at the end of the afternoon.

Class 4 - Autumn 2 - Week 5

Posted by Liz Gully

Category: Class 4

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