9 September 2022

Welcome back to school Class 3! We’ve had a very busy and fun week getting back into our learning. On Monday, we enjoyed catching up with our friends and learning all about our summer holidays. All a whole class, we came up with our classroom rules and wrote them down using our neatest handwriting. This week, we have started our new English topic using the book ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ to help us write effective sentences. In Maths, we have been learning all about place value and recognising ones, tens, hundreds and thousands. In PE, we learnt how to take our pulse and explored how our pulse changes when exercising and mediating. During our History lessons, we explored where Egypt is, what life was like for the Ancient Egyptians and how they communicated. We had great fun writing our names in hieroglyphics. In RE, we are learning about People of God from the Old Testament. We retold the story of Noah’s Ark and thought deeply about what this story means to Christians. Overall, a fantastic first week back! Thank you Class 3 for your hard work and concentration! Enjoy a restful weekend.
Class 3 A1 WK 1
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3