14 October 2022

Image of Autumn Term 1 Week 6

In our English lessons we have been writing recounts about our adventurous day that we had last week! We have described our mini-beast hunt, colour hunt, den making and hot chocolate drinking. Miss Derry has been really pleased with some of the writing that we have done. We have tried hard to use capital letters and full stops and Year 2 have been making their writing more interesting with the use of adjectives. In Maths, we have all been having a go at subtraction. We find this much more difficult than addition but we are getting there. We are trying hard to remember to check that our answers are small than the number we started with! In Geography, we have come to the end of our unit with a visit to Antarctica. We were fascinated to find out that it is so cold that no one lives there permanently. We loved going down to church, for the first visit of the year, to celebrate Harvest. Miss Derry was very impressed with our performance of the acrostic poem that we made up. We have had a great week this week and look forward to what next week brings!


Posted by lderry

Category: Class 2

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