3 February 2023

Image of Spring Term 1 Week 5

In English, we were very excited to start our new book about space. We are looking at Man On The Moon. So far we have learned that the man’s name is Bob and that he travels to the moon everyday for work. We noticed some little aliens watching him do his jobs, so we are looking forward to finding out who they are next week. In Maths, Year 2 have started a new unit about money. We have looked at the different coins and notes and had a go at counting pounds and pence. Year 1 have continued their work on adding and subtracting to 20. They are finding subtracting a little tricky! In Science, we have been learning about food chains, focussing upon underwater food chains. We have loved creating our own dioramas, they were lots of fun! Tricky Witch came to visit us in guided reading and was very impressed with how well we are doing! Another busy week in Class 2! 

Posted by lderry

Category: Class 2

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